Furry Friends Information
Recommended and/or Required Healthcare for Dogs
An Annual Checkup including some of the following:
- A comprehensive examination
- Distemper/Parvo vaccination: 3 boosters for puppies, a 1-year booster, then boosters every 3 year
- Rabies vaccination: an initial vaccination between 14 weeks and 6 months, then boosters every 3 years (required by Massachusetts state law)
- Optional vaccination for Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, and Kennel Cough depending on lifestyle
- Lyme is transmitted by ticks and is recommended in our demographic region. We have lots of lyme issues! Keep flea/tick prevention on your pets to minimize risk of disease.
- Leptospirosis is a bacteria spread in the urine of wildlife that runs off into any free-standing water or water ways (streams/ponds, lakes, etc.). Leptospirosis is transmissible from pets to people.
- Kennel Cough/Bordetella Vaccine - is required for pets going to most groomers and kennels, and is recommended for any dog who socializes with other dogs whether that be in pet stores or doggie parks.
- A 4DX test looks for Heartworm disease and 3 tick diseases, Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasmosis
- A fecal exam for intestinal parasites Some parasites are transmissible to people. Please always wash hands before eating and do not walk bare foot in areas your pet uses to defecate. Check out the Companion Animal Parasite Council.
- Monthly heartworm prevention also is a monthly dewormer for common intestinal parasites.
Recommended and/or Required Healthcare for Cats
An Annual Checkup including some of the following:
- A comprehensive examination - head to tail
- Distemper/Rhinotracheitis vaccination: 3 boosters for kittens, a 1-year booster, then boosters every 3 years
- Rabies vaccination: an initial vaccination between 14 weeks and 6 months, then boosters every 3 years (required by Massachusetts state law)
- Optional testing for Feline Leukemia and FIV and vaccination for Feline Leukemia, depending on lifestyle
- A fecal exam for intestinal parasites. Some parasites are transmissible to people. Please always wash hands after cleaning litter boxes or gardening. Check out the
Companion Animal Parasite Council
Topics under development: